We encourage each of our riders to participate in horse show competitions. Showing allows riders to demonstrate their skills and fosters sportsmanship. Whether you are new to showing or are a seasoned competitor, we partake in horse shows that accommodate all skill levels.
Memberships are required to compete at certain horse shows. Please use the “link” tab to assist in finding the websites where you can become a member of the applicable horse show organizations in Orange County and the U.S. Please see your trainer if you have any questions regarding what memberships are needed.
2024 Show Dates
February 14-18
Seaside Equestrian Tour Set 2, Del Mar
March 20 - 24
Seaside Equestrian Tour Set 6, Del Mar
April 10 - 14
Blenheim Spring Classic, Blenheim
June 5 - 9
Temecula Valley National Wk 3,
July 10 - July 14
HITS Del Mar Sunshine Classic, Del Mar
July 31 - August 4
HITS Del Mar Summer Festival,
Del Mar
August 7 - August 11
HITS Del Mar Summer Festival II, Del Mar
Temecula National Valley Fall 2, Galway Downs
Oct 9 - 13
Home Show Fees
This provides coaching and training throughout the day for all of the rider’s classes.
This is for horses being shown by a trainer in one or more classes.
This is for horses not being shown by a trainer but who require schooling rides before or between the rider’s classes.
For those utilizing a lesson horse to show.
This ensures a clean and proper turnout of the horse and allows the rider to focus on their competition. Grooming also includes feeding, watering, and clean-up.
The need for medications and/or additional supplements is determined and administered by Woodland Farms’ staff. Supplies (i.e. bute, dexamethasone, banamine, poultice, show sheet, hoof oil, etc.) will be charged to the rider’s show bill; these costs will vary per horse and show.
Away Show Fees
This provides coaching and training throughout the day for all of the rider’s classes.
This is for horses being shown by a trainer in one or more classes.
This is for horses not being shown by a trainer but who require schooling rides before or between the rider’s classes.
For those utilizing a lesson horse to show.
This ensures a clean and proper turnout of the horse and allows the rider to focus on their competition. Grooming also includes feeding, watering, and clean-up.
The need for medications and/or additional supplements is determined and administered by Woodland Farms’ staff. Supplies (i.e. bute, dexamethasone, banamine, poultice, show sheet, hoof oil, etc.) will be charged to the rider’s show bill; these costs will vary per horse and show.
o Braiding is mandatory at A Circuit shows and OCHSA Finals.
o Braiding checks must be left in the Braider’s envelope prior to the last day of the show. Depending on the length of the show, manes are braided every other night, and tails are braided every night.
o A $30.00 late fee will be charged to the rider for payment received after the above-mentioned time.
There will be a fee for all materials purchased and used for the Woodland Farms setup. This can include, but is not limited to, curtains, flowers, wood chips, sod, stone, various decorations, etc.
o Checks for all stall deposits are be collected ahead of time and will be sent in with entry forms; these costs will vary depending on the level, location, and duration of the show.
o The cost of shavings, feed, feed rooms, tack rooms, and grooming stalls will vary and be divided among the number of horses/riders attending the show.
Trailering fees will vary depending on the location of the horse shows and how many horses will be going per trailer.
All expenses incurred by the trainer for being at the show (i.e. hotel, gas, plane ticket, RV hook-up, etc.) will be divided among the number of horses/riders attending the show.
All show fees must be paid on or before the final day of competition, with the exception of entry form/stall deposits. A $25 late fee will be charged to payments received after the close of the show.